
High Voltage and Power Pulse Generators

Klystron & Modulator

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The 200 MW modulators drive 2.8 Ω, S-band, 80 MW pulsed power klystron as the load.
They are the main accelerating power of the electrons
in the PLS-II 3 GeV linac at Pohang Accelerator Laboratory (PAL), Korea.

Gallery View of Klystron and Modulator in PAL

200MW Modulator (PAL)

ㆍ Max. Peak Power: 200 MW

ㆍ Peak Output Volfage: 400 kV

ㆍ Pulse Repetition Rate: 10~30 Hz

ㆍ Equi. Pulse Width: 7.5 μs

ㆍ Flat - top Pulse Width: 4.4 μs

ㆍ PFN Impedance: 2.8 Ω

ㆍ Input Voltage: 480(60Hz) V

80MW Klystron (Toshiba E3712)

ㆍ Max. Peak Power: 200 MW

ㆍ Peak Output Volfage: 400 kV

ㆍ Pulse Repetition Rate: 10~30 Hz

ㆍ Equi. Pulse Width: 7.5 μs

ㆍ Flat - top Pulse Width: 4.4 μs

ㆍ PFN Impedance: 2.8 Ω

ㆍ Input Voltage: 480(60Hz) V